Monday, July 17, 2006

meditations of a weary mama's heart

Jasai - 31
Los Angeles, CA
2 Children - 1 boy (11), 1 girl (5)

beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places. beautiful things are often born from dark places.

If I can just keep saying this to myself I will make it though the summer and sooner than I can lose my wits, my son will be back home with me.